As we head into November, the garden undergoes a remarkable transformation, from the vibrant hues of autumn to the subtle tones of winter. With this change in season, comes a lot of jobs for us to be getting on with, from moving tender plants indoors to making sure that our garden wildlife has a place to stay.

- Sow spring bedding plants and wallflowers for next spring
- Plant winter bedding such as pansies, violas, and bellis
- Trim and divide herbaceous perennials unless you’re leaving them for structure or habitats
- Bring tender plants indoors or into the greenhouse for winter
- Mulch borders to protect plants and bulbs from the frost
- Tidy leaves and put them on the compost
- Keep on top of weeds, as they may still grow during milder weather

Trees & Shrubs
- Plant or move shrubs now for quick growth next spring
- Plant bare-root shrubs and roses
- Start pruning non-evergreen shrubs and trees
- Check stakes and tree-ties before the winds begin to pick up

General Jobs
- Remove excessive leaves from ponds
- Check plants you bring into your greenhouse for winter for pests
- Mow your lawn less frequently and on a high setting to help it best survive the coming months
- Apply autumn lawn feed
- Service your lawnmower and any other tools before the start of next year
- Clean and sharpen pruning tools
That’s it for our November Garden checklist.