September Garden To Do List

As the temperatures start to cool from the highs of August, the garden starts to settle down for its winter rest. If you’ve been busy sowing fruit and veg, then you’ll be busy gathering in your home-grown produce. It’s also a time for making the most of the last of this year’s sun and making preparations for next year’s garden.

So, without further ado, let’s get into September’s garden checklist.


  1. Sow sweet peas in a greenhouse for early blooms next year
  2. Plant new perennials for next year
  3. Plant spring-flowering bulbs for next year
  4. Prune perennials and divide overgrown clumps for next year
  5. Take cuttings and collect seeds from plants for next year
  6. Collect cut flowers for indoors and to promote more blooms
  7. Leave grass blooms for winter interest

Trees & Shrubs

  1. Plant or move shrubs now for quick growth next spring

General Jobs

  1. Remove excessive leaves from ponds
  2. Check plants you bring into your greenhouse for winter for pests
  3. Mow your lawn less frequently and on a high setting to help it best survive the coming months
  4. Apply autumn lawn feed


That’s it for our September Garden checklist. Let’s enjoy the final few warm sunny days before we get properly into the tidy-up section of our gardening year!

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