August Garden To Do List

August is typically the hottest month of the year, offering the perfect opportunity to relax and appreciate your garden with a barbeque and friends or family. Regular deadheading and watering keep plants in top form, extending the blooming season.


  1. Sow hardy annuals directly into borders
  2. Feed and deadhead hanging baskets to keep them flowering
  3. Plant autumn-flowering bulbs such as autumn crocus or Sternbergia
  4. Stake tall plants to keep them looking beautiful
  5. Keep on top of watering in drought to keep your borders healthy
  6. Keep on top of weeding to prevent perennial weeds from taking hold
  7. Take cuttings and collect seeds from plants for next year
  8. Collect cut flowers for indoors and to promote more blooms
  9. Leave grass blooms for winter interest

Trees & Shrubs

  1. Prune hedges for the final time this year
  2. Keep watering newly planted trees and shrubs
  3. Deadhead shrubs after they’ve flowered

General Jobs

  1. Top up ponds using natural water
  2. Open doors or windows of greenhouses on warmer days to increase ventilation
  3. Dampen the floor of your greenhouse on hot days to increase humidity
  4. Mow your lawn frequently but lightly to best preserve it during hot weather
  5. Cut summer-flowering meadows once the seeds have spread


That’s it for our August Garden checklist. So let’s get out there and enjoy the sun, I know we will be!

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