11 Best Plants to Grow in a Vertical Pallet Garden

Vertical pallet gardens are a great way to maximise your outdoor space by adding greenery and create an attractive feature. If you’re looking to make your own vertical pallet garden, I’d recommend that you check out our comprehensive guide to making a vertical pallet garden.

Once you’re all set up, it’s time to choose the right plants to both make the most of your space and make it look beautiful. With so many different options it can be overwhelming, so in this guide, I’m going to walk you through my 11 favourite types of plants to grow in your vertical pallet garden.


Strawberries are a great addition to your vertical pallet garden, as they offer sweet berries all throughout the summer months. Their shallow root system make them the well suited to growing in the limited soil space that a pallet garden offers, so you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll be enjoying lots of tasty strawberries in a matter of months.

To make sure that your strawberries thrive in you garden, make sure that you plant them in a very sunny spot and keep them well watered as the soil will dry out especially quickly in your pallet.


Growing lettuce is another fantastic option in your vertical pallet garden. Not only do you have loads of varieties to choose from, but they also require very little soil meaning that they’ll thrive in their new pot. If you want your garden give you as much produce as possible, then I’d recommend that you pick the outer leaves as soon as they’re large enough to eat, as this makes the lettuce grow stronger inner leaves, giving you a more abundant harvest and lots of tasty salads.


While we’re talking about salads, if you’re partial to a radish then you’re in luck. These quick-growing plants are ideal for your vertical pallet garden as they only take about 3-4 weeks to grow and don’t require much soil at all! Once the radishes look to be about 2.5cm in diameter, simply pull them gently out of the soil, give them a wash and tuck in.


Herbs are known for their ability to thrive in almost any growing condition, making them perfect for your vertical pallet garden. As they take up so little space, they can easily be slotted in after you’ve bought your main plants to make use of the extra space. While they are incredibly easy to grow, it is important to regularly pinch of their leaves and stems, as this helps them to grow more, taste better and not produce flowers.


If you’re a spinach lover like me, then you’ll be happy to know that spinach is ideal for growing in a pallet. Simply plant the seeds and wait a few months until the young leaves are tender and ready to eat. If you’ve got a shadier patch of your vertical garden, then spinach is even more ideal, as it prefers cooler and less sunny spots than a lot of other plants on this list.


If you want even more greens in your vertical pallet garden, then you should definitely try growing kale. With it’s hardy leaves that are packed with nutrients, it’s an ideal addition to your vertical pallet garden. While the normal varieties would be a bit too big for the space, choosing the dwarf varieties will fit perfectly inside the pallet, making it ideal.

Cherry Tomatoes

While I normally grow my cherry tomatoes in a hanging basket, they also grow extremely well in a vertical pallet garden. As they grow vertically, they take up very little ground space, allowing you to have a very high yield from only a few plants, making them ideal for growing in your pallet. Simply choose a sunny spot for your vertical pallet garden and keep them well watered and you’re on to a winner.


If you’re looking for an attractive look and low maintenance, then growing succulents in your vertical pallet garden is a great option. With a variety of interesting textures and shapes, succulents provide a really eye-catching look to your garden.


I love the look and smell of lavender, so I’m delighted that it can be grown in a vertical pallet garden. Both being attractive to people and pollinators, it’s an excellent plant to add to your pallet garden. Lavender prefers to be grown in sunny spots with well-draining soil, so it also works well with many of the other plants on this list!


Marigolds are vibrant and incredibly easy-to-grow flowers that brighten up any garden space. Not only do they look nice, but they also help to deter pests, making them excellent companion plants for your vegetables. It’s important to remember to deadhead spent flowers as this encourages them to keep on blooming.


If you’re after another flower to add to your vertical garden, then pansies are a great addition as they thrive in the limited space and come in a great variety of colours, so there’ll be at least one variety that fits with your space.


As you know, creating a vertical pallet garden opens up a world of possibilities for your garden, no matter what size space you have. By choosing the right plants, such as those listed above, you can create a beautiful garden year-round. For more detailed instructions on how to get started, be sure to read our guide to making a vertical pallet garden or take a look at our guide to the best fruit and vegetables for a vertical garden.

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